Saturday, September 17, 2011

10 Day Challenge - Day 4

Day Seven: 7 Wants

Similar to the preface given before the post for Day Nine, allow me to state that there is no way I'll be able to condense my list of wants into a tidy seven. I don't feel bad about this; everyone has things they want, and most lists exceed seven. With that being said, I will do my best to be concise.

1. To have the completed collection of OPI brand nail polish. I usually like to expostulate on each thing I list, but I feel as if this "want" requires no further explanation. I love OPI. I want them. End of story.

2. An endless supply of money. Let me be frank... I'm not greedy. Nor do I spend my nights wondering what will happen to me if I don't strike it rich one day. But, as most people, I wish I never had to worry about monetary problems. I feel like our society's obsession with the almighty dollar has become an all-consuming force, and I really wish I never had to worry about it again.

3. A border collie. Ever since I first saw PS I Love You--which was a turning point in my life, by the way--I have wanted a border collie named Brodie. They're gorgeous and sweet, and they might find Gerard Butler on a deserted strip of road. How could you not want one?

4. Speaking of Gerard Butler, Gerard Butler--or someone similar. I just feel like I need a man around here. I love my independence, but my living room couch pillows have hearts on them. It's time.

5. A tulip garden. When I grow up, I want my backyard to look like it came straight out of Wuthering Heights. Flowers, lattice, fancy concrete benches, the works. I especially want a strip of tulips because they're beautiful and they don't aggravate my already sensitive allergies.

6. Season 6 of Criminal Minds on DVD. This want will probably be satisfied shortly after this blog post (or as soon as CBS decides to get up off their laurels and release it), but I felt like the blogosphere needed to be reminded about my affinity for all things CM. Btw, you're all invited to the premiere party next Wednesday! Mark it down.

7. Health and happiness. Don't scorn this broad and over-arching terminology. Since my dad got sick a while ago, I realize how important health really is. Also, this is my hypochondria speaking. And when H speaks, I listen.

Friday, September 16, 2011

10 Day Challenge - Day 3

Day Eight: 8 Fears

From my first two days of blogging, you've probably already begun to gather that I like to pretend I'm not afraid of anything. It's part of my persona. The reality of the fact is, however, that I'm scared of my own shadow. Not necessarily things that are scary to normal people... But you put them up next to someone as neurotic as me and Lauren, and you've got yourself a problem.

1. Sickness. It's a highly publicized fact across the southeastern US that I am, in fact, a hypochondriac. While "hypochondria" seems like such a harsh word, it doesn't actually do justice to the amount of fear in my heart for aches and pains. Let me find a mosquito bite on my forearm on Thursday, and by Friday morning, I will have diagnosed myself with a rare skin condition, cancer, etc., and thereafter have scheduled the amputation so as to avoid the spread of the dreaded disease.

2. Being alone. Don't get me wrong... I'm not one of these that needs company every waking minute. However, if I find myself in a large crowd with no one to keep me sane, said sanity will go right out the window. I need someone slightly less dramatic than me to keep me grounded at all times.

3. The ice room at Bryant. If you've never had the pleasure of darkening the doors at Paul W. Bryant Residence Hall, you may skip to number 4. For those of you that have had that allustrious privilege, you know exactly what I mean. The ice room with the trick doors and shady lighting system will get you every time. It's basically a rape closet. Stay away.

4. The dark. This is also another tricky one, similar in fashion to #2. I love my bedroom to be dark as a crypt while I'm trying to sleep. With that being said, if I find myself in darkness at any other time, I become increasingly uncomfortable. Contrary to popular belief, I enjoy being able to see 5 feet in front of my face. Which is why I have never understood the propensity of Alabama Power to allow electricity to be off for days at a time, save the occurrence of natural disasters. If it's a bright, sunshiney day.... Keep that joker up and running please!

5. Snakes. While this may sounds like a bit of a cliche, so be it. Snakes absolutely terrify me. Once, when I was 5, I had a dream cobras invaded our house and my dad had to get up on the kitchen table and beat them off with a hoe. Enough said.

6. Not getting into Law School. Allow me to go poignant for a moment and expostulate on what is my greatest fear, to date. If I don't get into Law School, I have no Plan B. Law School IS Plan B, and Plan C, ... and Plan Z. This is why you can often find me studying some form of LSAT paraphernalia roughly 6 months in advance of my test date. Just keepin it real.

7. The Ferg. Another UA reference for all you Roll Tiders out there... The Ferguson Center is probably the scariest place I've ever been. Especially around lunch time, the hours I affectionately like to call "the suicide hours." On a campus of 30,000+ people, the student union should be roughly the size of the football stadium.

8. Bleach. While this may seem irrational to most, and it probably is, I am horrified with the concept of bleach. What in the world were people thinking when they started dipping their clothing in a substance strong enough to kill babies and small animals? Fundamental questions to which I have no answer. Smh.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

10 Day Challenge - Day 2

Day 9: Nine Loves

Before I begin my daily diatribe as it were, allow me to clarify something... Today's topic is nine loves, but it is virtually impossible for me to narrow down the nine things I love most. I have an exceptional capacity for love, and as such, I love many people and many things. For this reason, this list is certainly not exhaustive. Furthermore, it doesn't include people. I could blog for days about my love for Jesus, my family, my friends, or my beloved pup, Casper. With that, I won't bore you.

Also, this list is in no particular order.

1. Crime TV. If you've ever talked to me for an extended period of time, I'm sure we've discussed my affinity for television and popular cinema. My main love in this realm, however, is Crime TV... Criminal Minds, CSI, Law & Order: SVU, Lie to Me. The list goes on and on. The people in these shows are my friends. By that, I mean sometimes I'd rather be around them than my real friends. Don't hate. But if you must, just know that haters gon' hate.

2. Country Music. You might not like it. In fact, you probably don't. But real talk people... I don't care. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it isn't a perfectly acceptable outlet of expression. If I want to sing about pickup trucks, watermelon, and my pretend dog named Jake, I will. And I'll enjoy it.

3. Alabama Football. I really enjoy all divisions of the UA Athletic Department, but football is particularly close to my heart. Maybe it's because I've worked around the players for so long, or maybe it's because I've been raised to eat, sleep, and breathe all things Crimson. Either way, it would be difficult to find someone who loves the Crimson Tide more than me. Not impossible, because let's be real... The Roll Tide nation is millions strong. But I love it a lot. 

4. Making good grades. Nerd Alert! There is no better feeling than making that A. It doesn't matter how your day has been... If you make an A on that killer exam, it's an instantaneous mood lifter. 

5. Japanese food. Specifically, fried rice. This particular love has nothing to do with the obnoxious hibachi chefs or the incessant banging of cooking utensils that will inevitably lead to a migraine. I just happen to love rice. Rice on rice on rice. And shrimp sauce.

6. Winter. If you're from anywhere south of the Mason-Dixon line, I will never understand you enjoying the summertime. Don't get me wrong... I'm all about sunshine and a pretty blue sky. But let's be real... I'd much rather be able to walk outside without sweating. If it means gray skies and a light drizzle, bring it on. Also, wintertime is more conducive to cuter clothing. And snow sports are epic. All in all, it's just the superior season.

7. Pictures. I'm convinced with the amount of photos I have in my apartment, my visitors must think I'm a narcissist. Of course I do not suffer from the greater facet of the dark triad (Note: Criminal Minds reference!). My obsession with photographs is simply a way for me to relive moments of glory, fun outings, and my beloved friendships.

8. Rings. Most girls love earrings, bracelets, necklaces. My fascination is rings. Maybe because I love to watch people's hands when they speak to me. If you adorn your hands well, I automatically find you more captivating. Girls, that is. The only rings men should wear are wedding rings and/or class rings. Leave the bling for your boo, guys.

9. Flowers. Most people don't peg me as the nature type. Shocking, I know. While I'm not necessarily the "nature" type, I can appreciate a good flower as much as the next girl. I do think roses recieve too much hype. Tulips are where it's at. If you send me a tulip, I will love you for life.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

10 Day Challenge - Day 1

Since I first heard of the blogging phenomenon that has undisputedly swept my technologically crazed generation, I have been skeptical to join the trend. For many reasons I was reticent to post my thoughts to an internet forum, then I came to the striking realization that Facebook and Twitter have actually become such a normal part of my life I no longer realize how public my innermost thoughts have become anyway. So, I acquiese.

Before you embark on the 10 Day Challenge with me, let me warn you: I'm not just your average Joe (or Josephine, for those of you that are gender-minded). Be prepared.

Day 1: Ten Secrets

1. My goal is to be the Director of the FBI. No secret there! But what may come as a surprise is that sometimes I wonder if I'm politically minded enough. Don't get me wrong... I will not hesitate to state my opinion or place a foe flat of their back (figuratively speaking, of course). However, I may or may not have a strong enough constitution to deal with corruption, trickery, etc. We shall see.

2. I love sappy movies. As much as I wish I could claim to have a more macho sense of cinematic excellence, I do not. I will not hesitate for a minute to sob like a small child when watching movies such as Radio, Titanic, One Day, and my personal favorite--P.S. I Love You.

3. As much as my friends may try to say I'm creepy... I really kinda am. But not in a creepy way. Like it or not, I am a nosy person! I like to be in the know about anything and everything. If something is going on, or if I find someone specifically interesting, I will follow through until said event or person no longer fascinates me. Be comforted, however, in the fact that I'm usually not fascinated for long. So if I'm stalking you right now, I probably won't be by this time next week.

4. Names are a big deal to me. If you have a particularly off-putting name, I probably won't take the time to break the proverbial barrier. My advice: go to the courthouse and get that joker changed to something people enjoy hearing.

5. I like younger men, provided they are within the legal age range, of course. I don't generally flirt with prepubescent children... I'm talking like 18 year olds here. I also like significantly older men. I don't generally fall for men my age. Call it a genetic defect or whatever you will, but I choose to call it being an "equal-opportunity crusher."

6. I love to cook, although I don't do it very often. To be clear, I don't wile away my afternoons watching the Food Network, but everyone loves a homemade lasagna every now and then.

7. Smell is the most amplified of my five senses. I've never been able to see or hear well, so I suppose God decided to step my olfaction up a notch. For example, on a first date, cologne/aftershave is what I notice and find most attractive. On members of the male persuasion, Polo Blue is my personal favorite. So in the event any men decided to read this ridiculously detailed and personal post... Take note.

8. Speaking of secrets, I really hate it when people try to keep their romantic relationships a secret. It's a futile operation... We all know. We're onto you. For clarification, refer to #3.

9. I'm technology illiterate. As stated in my "Welcome" paragraph at the top, I was hesitant to become a blogger. Not just because I don't want you to know my secrets... Also because sometimes, I don't actually know how to use a computer. Along that same train of thought, I hate my phone, and I'm not 100% positive about how to use iTunes. Don't judge me.

10. I complain a lot about physical activity of any kind, but I actually thoroughly enjoy pretending to be athletic. I do have an aversion to sweating, which may make this entire secret seem like an oxymoron. But nonetheless, I'd much rather play tennis than sit in a library.