Wednesday, September 14, 2011

10 Day Challenge - Day 1

Since I first heard of the blogging phenomenon that has undisputedly swept my technologically crazed generation, I have been skeptical to join the trend. For many reasons I was reticent to post my thoughts to an internet forum, then I came to the striking realization that Facebook and Twitter have actually become such a normal part of my life I no longer realize how public my innermost thoughts have become anyway. So, I acquiese.

Before you embark on the 10 Day Challenge with me, let me warn you: I'm not just your average Joe (or Josephine, for those of you that are gender-minded). Be prepared.

Day 1: Ten Secrets

1. My goal is to be the Director of the FBI. No secret there! But what may come as a surprise is that sometimes I wonder if I'm politically minded enough. Don't get me wrong... I will not hesitate to state my opinion or place a foe flat of their back (figuratively speaking, of course). However, I may or may not have a strong enough constitution to deal with corruption, trickery, etc. We shall see.

2. I love sappy movies. As much as I wish I could claim to have a more macho sense of cinematic excellence, I do not. I will not hesitate for a minute to sob like a small child when watching movies such as Radio, Titanic, One Day, and my personal favorite--P.S. I Love You.

3. As much as my friends may try to say I'm creepy... I really kinda am. But not in a creepy way. Like it or not, I am a nosy person! I like to be in the know about anything and everything. If something is going on, or if I find someone specifically interesting, I will follow through until said event or person no longer fascinates me. Be comforted, however, in the fact that I'm usually not fascinated for long. So if I'm stalking you right now, I probably won't be by this time next week.

4. Names are a big deal to me. If you have a particularly off-putting name, I probably won't take the time to break the proverbial barrier. My advice: go to the courthouse and get that joker changed to something people enjoy hearing.

5. I like younger men, provided they are within the legal age range, of course. I don't generally flirt with prepubescent children... I'm talking like 18 year olds here. I also like significantly older men. I don't generally fall for men my age. Call it a genetic defect or whatever you will, but I choose to call it being an "equal-opportunity crusher."

6. I love to cook, although I don't do it very often. To be clear, I don't wile away my afternoons watching the Food Network, but everyone loves a homemade lasagna every now and then.

7. Smell is the most amplified of my five senses. I've never been able to see or hear well, so I suppose God decided to step my olfaction up a notch. For example, on a first date, cologne/aftershave is what I notice and find most attractive. On members of the male persuasion, Polo Blue is my personal favorite. So in the event any men decided to read this ridiculously detailed and personal post... Take note.

8. Speaking of secrets, I really hate it when people try to keep their romantic relationships a secret. It's a futile operation... We all know. We're onto you. For clarification, refer to #3.

9. I'm technology illiterate. As stated in my "Welcome" paragraph at the top, I was hesitant to become a blogger. Not just because I don't want you to know my secrets... Also because sometimes, I don't actually know how to use a computer. Along that same train of thought, I hate my phone, and I'm not 100% positive about how to use iTunes. Don't judge me.

10. I complain a lot about physical activity of any kind, but I actually thoroughly enjoy pretending to be athletic. I do have an aversion to sweating, which may make this entire secret seem like an oxymoron. But nonetheless, I'd much rather play tennis than sit in a library.


  1. I appreciate your creepy-ness. Also I love number 4! I loled while reading this in my room. My roommate heard me and it was awkward. :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
