Thursday, September 15, 2011

10 Day Challenge - Day 2

Day 9: Nine Loves

Before I begin my daily diatribe as it were, allow me to clarify something... Today's topic is nine loves, but it is virtually impossible for me to narrow down the nine things I love most. I have an exceptional capacity for love, and as such, I love many people and many things. For this reason, this list is certainly not exhaustive. Furthermore, it doesn't include people. I could blog for days about my love for Jesus, my family, my friends, or my beloved pup, Casper. With that, I won't bore you.

Also, this list is in no particular order.

1. Crime TV. If you've ever talked to me for an extended period of time, I'm sure we've discussed my affinity for television and popular cinema. My main love in this realm, however, is Crime TV... Criminal Minds, CSI, Law & Order: SVU, Lie to Me. The list goes on and on. The people in these shows are my friends. By that, I mean sometimes I'd rather be around them than my real friends. Don't hate. But if you must, just know that haters gon' hate.

2. Country Music. You might not like it. In fact, you probably don't. But real talk people... I don't care. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it isn't a perfectly acceptable outlet of expression. If I want to sing about pickup trucks, watermelon, and my pretend dog named Jake, I will. And I'll enjoy it.

3. Alabama Football. I really enjoy all divisions of the UA Athletic Department, but football is particularly close to my heart. Maybe it's because I've worked around the players for so long, or maybe it's because I've been raised to eat, sleep, and breathe all things Crimson. Either way, it would be difficult to find someone who loves the Crimson Tide more than me. Not impossible, because let's be real... The Roll Tide nation is millions strong. But I love it a lot. 

4. Making good grades. Nerd Alert! There is no better feeling than making that A. It doesn't matter how your day has been... If you make an A on that killer exam, it's an instantaneous mood lifter. 

5. Japanese food. Specifically, fried rice. This particular love has nothing to do with the obnoxious hibachi chefs or the incessant banging of cooking utensils that will inevitably lead to a migraine. I just happen to love rice. Rice on rice on rice. And shrimp sauce.

6. Winter. If you're from anywhere south of the Mason-Dixon line, I will never understand you enjoying the summertime. Don't get me wrong... I'm all about sunshine and a pretty blue sky. But let's be real... I'd much rather be able to walk outside without sweating. If it means gray skies and a light drizzle, bring it on. Also, wintertime is more conducive to cuter clothing. And snow sports are epic. All in all, it's just the superior season.

7. Pictures. I'm convinced with the amount of photos I have in my apartment, my visitors must think I'm a narcissist. Of course I do not suffer from the greater facet of the dark triad (Note: Criminal Minds reference!). My obsession with photographs is simply a way for me to relive moments of glory, fun outings, and my beloved friendships.

8. Rings. Most girls love earrings, bracelets, necklaces. My fascination is rings. Maybe because I love to watch people's hands when they speak to me. If you adorn your hands well, I automatically find you more captivating. Girls, that is. The only rings men should wear are wedding rings and/or class rings. Leave the bling for your boo, guys.

9. Flowers. Most people don't peg me as the nature type. Shocking, I know. While I'm not necessarily the "nature" type, I can appreciate a good flower as much as the next girl. I do think roses recieve too much hype. Tulips are where it's at. If you send me a tulip, I will love you for life.

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